“Fusion 360 From Zero to 3D Design” Course + 3 months of STLFLIX Commercial

$ 150.00

Master Fusion 360 completely! An amazing tool to bring your ideas to life.

SKU: curso-stlacademy-fusion-sem-misterio Category: Tags: ,


Learn 3D modeling with Fusion 360 and gain the autonomy to bring your projects to life

Introduction to 3D Modeling:

You will learn the fundamentals of 3D modeling using Fusion 360. We’ll explore the basic workflow, understand the principles behind parametric modeling, and provide an introduction to Sketch.

Solid Creation:

Learn how to create and manipulate solids in 3D modeling. Lessons include techniques such as extrusion, cuts, embossing, revolution, plane creation, sweep, pipe, and loft. We’ll also explore parameters for advanced customization.


Learn to use various modifiers to refine and enhance your 3D models. Lessons include boolean operations, fillet, chamfer, shell, and techniques for copying, pasting, moving/rotating, and scaling.

Editing and Converting STLs:

Learn how to organize bodies, components, and subcomponents, create rigid groups, and define movement types. Master importing, moving, scaling, repairing, reconstructing, reducing, converting to solids, and direct modeling of STL files.

This course is for you if:

You’re a beginner in 3D printing.

You’re a first-time 3D modeler.

You want to deepen your knowledge of Fusion 360.

Examples you’ll be able to model with Fusion 360:

Learn from true

experts in the field

Bruno Boas: Founder of Brazil's largest 3D-printed products e-commerce, with over 100 printers. More than 10 years of experience developing and optimizing products for 3D printing.

Bonus: 3 months of STLFLIX commercial license.

In addition to access to our complete library with over 2,000 premium STLs and 80 new models added monthly, you will have the right to print and sell your pieces.